What Our Clients Say

"I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the recent camp. It was not only incredibly enriching but also a lot of fun. Alex enjoyed it so much that as soon as we stepped out the door, he asked me to enroll him in next year’s camp. For me, this was the best outcome I could hope for, especially considering how much he has improved his skills.

We truly appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Thank you once again!"

"The camp was simply awesome. My son enjoyed every second of it. Classroom talk, especially the recruiter impressed him very much. The drills were great with plenty of shots. The coaches were on point with correcting goalies when they were doing something wrong and not just shooting. Great job guys. Keep it up. Will be back next year"

"Would highly recommend GSG to anyone interested and the camp was all I could ask for and more for my son. Unlike typical team practices where the goalie ends up becoming somewhat of an afterthought, the entire week is tailored to teaching and improving at this unique position. Both the on-ice and dryland sessions were specific to a goaltenders development which is what I was looking for. The coaches always took the time to explain the drills and correct the goalies midstream when necessary (ie not just going through the motions). The classroom sessions were also a huge bonus, getting to meet and speak to professionals about what it takes to have a long and successful hockey career. I also appreciated the sense of community fostered by Tom, the coaches and all the campers of varying age and level. "

"I liked that he was being taught positioning -Jordan was very attentive and with detailed descriptions of what was correct. A good lesson"

"Hi, Coach. Another fantastic week . He leaves your lesson feeling so confident. He is diagnosed with anxiety and it is so wonderful to see the way he responds to you, looks you in the eyes when you are speaking to him. Those things are not easy for him when he doesn't know someone."

"Best money spent. Devon came off soaked and had a great time. I see a huge improvement in him just from the short period we have been coming."

"The lesson was great, Jordan worked with Anthony on Thursday and Ryan on Tuesday. He was put through the paces and worked hard. Thank you for another great year, see you in September, hope all of you have a great summer."

"Hi, Coach Fogu, Thank you for another fantastic lesson for Lucas. Your demeanor and way of explaining things to him is really helping him to absorb what you are teaching him. He is looking forward to seeing you next week."

"Coach Tom, Thank you so much for your lesson, I really enjoyed it. I learned new helpful techniques, for example the drop-step keeps me balanced. I like that the rink has markings like the crease and face-off dot to help me know where I am and where the middle is. I also like how you take the time to explain the moves or drills that we have to do. I am looking forward to your camp in July, and to taking more lessons with you soon."

"Zachary had a blast and felt he learned a bunch even in his first lesson. He was so excited about it and has not stopped talking about and he can’t wait for his next one in 2 weeks! Thanks again and thank you for your help with Zachary future growth"

"The lesson was great. Michael had a lot of fun and can't wait until his next lesson next week. I was a little nervous about him skating on the synthetic surface, but he didn't seem to have any problem with it and didn't complain at all.  Thanks for reaching out. See you next week."

"Great workout, Michael always loves working with Tom. He has learned and progressed tremendously. Thank you."  

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